Went to Bukit Jalil park to jog with Leanne and Jean today morning
Original plan: Reach our destination at 7:30 am with me, Jean, Leanne, John and Teng Wei
Actual: Reached and started at 8:00am and only the 3 girls jogged =3=
The boys were busy xD
Gosh.. I hate jogging..
Jogging really so not my stuff..
Tired and boring >.<
That's why I'm fat and weak stamina right? :P
After that went to Bukit Jalil Golf Club there play badminton
John was supposed to come and play badminton with us too
But his dentist appointment was late and he ended up reach there really late
Really late as in we were already resting and eating and "yam-cha" jor xP
Then went and play bowling after Teng Wei left
I think I kinda got it..
I finally knew a bit how to play bowling already
At least less gutter from last time lo xD
And few times of spares and strikes :3
And Leanne so "dai tou ha" today
Forgotten her racket for 3 times
And forgotten her Ribena xD
Kk la
That's all
Tata :)