
function togglecbox () {

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Oh yea
Last night was the best night ever
Went to my goddess, Taylor Swift's concert
Finally she came to Malaysia wee <3
Well everything was perfect
The only disaster was the people sitting in front of us
Guys, I know you all were excited, but can you sit properly?
They keep standing up, raising their hands and that was actually blocking our view lor
Joey got so fed up that she kept on cursing and kicked their chairs few times
I felt like kicking their head seriously
Anyways, it was a really awesome concert
Hope she'll come again lah :D

Opening of the concert
Guess who? XD

Perfect <3

Leng lui and I <3 XD


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

22nd May 2014

On the 22nd of May
I got my braces off
*should have posted this earlier but.. yea ah haha*
Well I thought the process will be suffering
But erm no, it only took only around 5 minutes and walahh sayonara braces
Dr Wong daebak, so damn fast and no feel at all haha
But now I have to wear retainer
Which wearing retainer sucks
So damn not comfortable
Much more uncomfortable than wearing braces
And I'm actually missing braces in some way
I'm so damn weird hahaha
Sayonara braces ❤️✋