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Sunday, December 18, 2016


Yo, its been a long time since I last updated my blog
Well I'm a terrible blogger, I don't usually write stuffs hahaha
Anyways, I've started working since 25th November and will come to an end soon on 25th December, selling Xmas stuffs (ornaments, decorations, trees etc) @ Bangsar Shopping Centre (BSC)
Just wanted to open up my view, learn more experience more through working, also to earn myself some allowance, been thinking to change from my old pal i5 to i7 XD

Surely I've seen a lot through this almost-a-month of working, all sorts of people
Firstly is customers, well my favourite type is they just walked in, they won't ask anything unless its really necessary, and just grab whatever shit they wanna buy, and pay without asking for discount. Then there's some they just come in, ask a whole bunch of questions and yep they don't plan to buy anything. Its not like I mind them asking questions, but some of them asked questions that deserved a "duh". BSC is really full of rich people, some even brought their maids along to help them carry stuffs, I've even seen some brought along their bodyguards, drivers... RICH AF

Then then, there's my boss, at first I felt like he's quite a good boss, but now I'm gonna revert whatever good things I've said bout him 😂
I mean yeah when he's good he can be very good; but when his mood is not good for no reason most the times (PMS?), he tend to pick on one of my colleague. What I asked for is for all of us to be treated equally and him to handle and manage business professionally. But no, thats not how he's dealing it. I don't hate him, but disgusted by how many faces he could be wearing, so fake that I'm seriously disgusted.

Theres really all sorts of different people around eh, 4 words spoke it all:  人生百態
Nevertheless, I learnt a lot through this, especially forcing myself out of my comfort zone to try being involved in retail, speaking to strangers etc. Conclusion? I don't dislike retail that much anymore, but I'm really not good at dealing with humans ah hahaha, glad I chose science where I just had to sit in labs and do my shits hahahaha 😂😂😂
I also planned to work at cafe nearby my panda's area after this hehe, coffee weih XD

Eh I'm also flying to Australia soon during early Feb next year, so I guess good luck to me for upcoming work and for going Aus? XD
Kk thats all for now, ciao~

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